Stable Diffusion 3 is out. This is what we discovered.
Stable Diffusion Body Position Challenge
Generated images of people in basic and complicated body positions across various categories: sports, dance, everyday activities, fitness, martial arts, entertainment, and leisure.
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Images (261)
Stable Diffusion 3 Large
Stable Diffusion 3 Medium
Stable Diffusion XL
A Taekwondo practitioner in a high front kick, one leg extended upwards
A ballerina in a pirouette, one leg raised, arms gracefully curved
A band on stage, each member playing an instrument, lead singer mid-song
A basketball player in mid-air slam dunk, arms stretched towards the hoop
A boxer in a defensive stance, fists up, body slightly turned
A chef chopping vegetables, one hand holding the knife, the other holding the food
A couple in a salsa dance dip, one partner leaning back supported by the other
A cyclist riding a bike, bent forward, hands on the handlebars, legs pedaling
A family gathered around a table, each person engaged in conversation, some reaching for food
A fitness class doing aerobics, all participants moving in sync, arms and legs in motion
A football player mid-kick, leg extended, with focused expression
A football team huddled together, strategizing with intense expressions
A gardener kneeling on one knee, planting flowers with a small shovel
A group of dancers performing a synchronized routine, mid-jump, arms and legs
A group of friends having a picnic, some sitting on a blanket, others standing and chatting
A hip-hop dancer mid-breakdance move, hand on the ground, legs in the air
A martial artist mid-karate kick, one leg extended high, arms in guard position
A musician standing and playing an electric guitar, strumming with one hand
A person in a plank position doing a push-up, arms bent, body parallel to the ground
A person in a yoga warrior pose, one leg forward, arms extended parallel to the floor
A person sitting cross-legged on the floor, engrossed in a book
A runner sprinting, one leg extended forward, arms pumping
A singer holding a microphone with one hand, the other hand extended outwards
A swimmer diving into a pool, body arched, arms extended forward
A weightlifter in a squat position, holding a barbell across their shoulders
A woman lying in the grass
An actor in a dramatic pose, one hand on their heart, the other extended upwards
Two martial artists sparring, one mid-kick, the other dodging with raised arms
Two people standing side by side, one flexing their arm to show muscle definition, the other relaxed